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Folder Right to Water

Water Right in water law refers to the right of a user to use water from a water source, e.g., a river, stream, pond or source of groundwater. In areas with plentiful water and few users, such systems are generally not complicated or contentious. In other areas, especially arid areas where irrigation is practiced, such systems are often the source of conflict, both legal and physical. Some systems treat surface water and ground water in the same manner, while others use different principles for each.
In November 2002 the United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights issued the General Comment No.15 of 2002 which declares water as a human right as follows: “Water is a limited natural resource and a public good fundamental for life and health. The human right to water is indispensable for leading a life in human dignity. It is a prerequisite for the realization of other human rights.”

Folder coalition-eau Item only translated in French
URL url753052 Item only translated in French
URL url771227 Item only translated in French
URL url014501 Item only translated in French
URL url346100 Item only translated in French
Document sdc504969 Item only translated in French
URL url917373 Item only translated in French
URL louvrage-de-bernard-drobenko-droit-de-leau-vient Item only translated in French
News snews204082 Item only translated in French
News la-france-continue-la-mise-en-oeuvre-du-droit-de-l-homme-l-eau-potable Item only translated in French [1 comment(s)]
Document le-droit-l-assainissement-dans-les-legislations-nationales-right-sanitation Item only translated in French
PDF Charte_du_Bassin_du_Niger_version_finale_francais_30-04-2008-1.pdf Download Item only translated in French
Document le-droit-l-eau-une-urgence-humanitaire-right-water-humanitarian-urgency Item only translated in French
Document le-droit-l-eau-potable-et-l-assainissement-en-europe Item only translated in French
News france-de-nouveaux-progres-dans-la-mise-en-oeuvre-du-droit-l-eau-potable Item only translated in French
News france-droit-l-eau Item only translated in French
URL droit-a-l-eau-et-a-l-assainissement-en-afrique-sub-saharienne Item only translated in French
Document A new book on the right to water: What critics should be addressed against the right to water?
URL Actualizing the Right to Water: An Egyptian Perspective for an Action Plan
HTML Document Documents on "Right to water" in the Middle East, 2008
News EU statement for the World Water Day 2010: The EU supports the right to water
PDF Final versions (EN, FR) of the resolution of the UNGA A/RES/64/292 of 28 July on the right to water and sanitation Download (2 versions)
PDF France recognized the right to water Download
URL How to reallocate water rights when environmental goals conflict with existing entitlements
Document Human rights council treats right to water issue, and France includes it in its new water law
News JREDS launches Second Phase of Right to Water Project
URL July 28 2010--Support the Human Right to Water
URL Manual on the Right to Water and Sanitation
HTML Document RAMPEDRE Report: The On-line World Report on the Human Right to Water
URL Report on right to water and sanitation in Gaza
URL Right to Water at CEDHA website
URL Right to Water at the website of the Office of the United Nations High commissioner for Human Rights
URL Right to Water in WIKIPEDIA
URL Right to Water in the MENA region
Pointer Right to water and the UK
URL Right to water by "Food & Water Watch"
HTML Document Right to water: Human Rights Council requests study on equitable access
URL The International Association for Water Law (AIDA)
News The Netherlands supports officially the right to water - The Prince of Orange brings his support to the right to water
URL The Right to Water : An Overview of the Indian Legal Regime
URL The Right to Water, by Mikhail Gorbachev
URL The human right to water and sanitation in the oPt
PDF The right of access to drinking water and sanitation Download
Document The right to sanitation in national laws
URL The right to water
URL The right to water (a publication of WHO)
URL The right to water and water rights in a changing world
Document The right to water at the 4th World Water Forum in Mexico, 13/4/2006
Pointer The right to water in Kosovo
URL The right to water in Palestine: a background
Pointer The right to water in national legislations
Document The right to water: From Concept to Implementation
News Top UN Leader Calls for Creation of the Right to Water
URL UN General Assembly Votes to Recognize the Human Right to Water and Sanitation Joint Statement of Maude Barlow, Board Chair, and Wenonah Hauter, Executive Director, Food & Water Watch
News UN Human Rights Council creates Independent Expert on the human right to water and sanitation
News UN Human Rights Council moves forward on the right to water and sanitation
URL Video on Human Right to Water
URL Water Justice
URL Water Law Reforms - Analysis of Recent Developments
Document Water as a human right for the Middle East and North Africa
URL Water as a human right: The understanding of water in the Arab countries of the Middle East - A four country analysis
News Water rights: The Economist’s take on the water sector
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