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News UfM Water Expert Group: Ministerial event planned in April 2017

The Secetariat of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfMS) together with UfM co-Presidency, Jordan and the European Commission organised the 6th meeting of the Water Expert Group in Brussels on 20 December 2016. The WEG is composed of representative of water Directors from UfM countries, the European Commission, as well as observers such as international financial institutions (IFI) and Mediterranean initiatives. The participants reviewed the documents produced by the WEG Drafting Group to prepare the UfM Ministerial Meeting on Water, to be held in Malta on 27 April 2017. This drafting group was set-up at the last meeting of the WEG in November 2015 (Luxembourg). On the basis of elements towards a Ministerial declaration on Water discussed, a draft Ministerial declaration will be prepared in January 2017 for validation at the next Senior Officials Meeting. The Ministerial meeting planned in Malta, next May, will propose a Water agenda for action in the Mediterranean with a governance mechanism provided by the WEG and a financial strategy under discussion with IFI and donors.

Conclusions attached.

Contact information n/a
News type Inbrief
File link
File link local Conclusions_WEG6-20161220.pdf (PDF, 1023 Kb)
Source of information ufmsecretariat
Geographical coverage Belgium,
News date 05/01/2017
Working language(s) ENGLISH