Euro-Mediterranean Information System on know-how in the Water sector
International portal

News Release of the SIPE-RTD Web Portal

The FP7 project SIPE* has just built an environmental standards information portal named SIPE-RTD. This SIPE-RTD Web Portal serves as a knowledge brokerage tool, linking EC Policies to European Standards related to (monitoring of) the environment, as well as to EU funded RTD results potentially in support of the development and implementation of such Standards.

The SIPE-RTD Web Portal operates as a ‘switch board’, linking related information that is available in the different communities (Standards, Policy and Research) in a thematic way.



This portal interfaces between information from the standards, policies and research communities.

You can browse using the four compartments in the blue bar, click on the keywords in the cloud or just use the free search.

Final conference on June 17th 2014 in Brussels

* SIPE - An environmental Standards Information Portal for Europe

FP7 project (grant agreement no: 308372) runs from 1 September 2012 till 31 August 2014.

The aim of SIPE is to promote and increase the use of research results in support of Standards (related to the environmental compartments air, water, soil and waste) to stakeholders from Research, Standardisation bodies, policy and enterprises/SMEs. Therefor, this dedicated web based Standards Information Portal (SIPE-RTD) is developed and implemented. Easy transfer of information is facilitated by an input module and a document repository.

Information on EC funded research projects in support of Standards and their results, and Standards related to the mentioned sectors is collected. EC Directives in these areas and their policy tasks are collated.

This pool of (Standards related) keywords are interlinked by algorithms into a categorisation scheme of keywords. This scheme forms the basis for the interactions within and between the stakeholder communities, and be used for gap analyses. Short descriptions in non–scientific language are entered together with web-links.

More information on the SIPE project can be found on

Contact information Guido Vaes Director Modelling & Research - HydroScan NV | Diestsesteenweg 104A, B-3010 Kessel-Lo (email: ;
Phone: +32 16 24 05 01 | FAX +32 16 24 05 09
News type Inbrief
File link
Source of information Hydroscan
Keyword(s) Standards
Geographical coverage Belgium,Netherlands,Italy,Sweden,
News date 07/05/2014
Working language(s) ENGLISH