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News Tunisia: European support of €110 million for economic recovery

On 23 August 2011, the European Union (EU) approved two new financial assistance programmes for Tunisia, for a total of €110 million. These two programmes are part of the additional aid being provided by the EU to Tunisia following the January 2011 revolution, aimed at supporting the political and economic transition by improving economic and social conditions and developing new sources of employment.

 The first programme, which has a budget of €90 million, supports the economic recovery measures recently adopted by the Tunisian government and is aimed at hitherto particularly disadvantaged social groups - the inland regions, unemployed graduates, the poorest families – better governance and job creation. These measures will also be supported by loans from the World Bank, the African Development Bank and the French Development Agency.

 The second programme is aimed at increasing the dynamism and competitiveness of the Tunisian economy through a budget of €20 million for national modernisation policies in the services sector.

 Štefan Füle, Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighbourhood Policy, stated: "The economic recovery support programme demonstrates the European Commission's support for the recovery measures taken by the Tunisian government and its confidence in the future potential of the Tunisian economy. The Commission is determined to support the efforts of the authorities rapidly to restore stronger growth in order to promote job creation, improve social conditions for the most disadvantaged Tunisians and reduce disparities between regions. "

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Geographical coverage Tunisia
News date 23/08/2011