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Event High-Level Climate Change Consultation, Public-Private Knowledge Fair, and Launch Event of the Arab Climate Resilience Initiative

The upcoming High-Level Climate Change Consultation, Public-Private Knowledge Fair, and Launch Event  of the Arab Climate Resilience Initiative, hosted by the Government of Morocco in partnership with the UNDP Regional Bureau for Arab States (UNDP-RBAS) will take place from 3-5 November 2010 in Rabat, Morocco, and builds on what has been a successful series of consultations that together constitute the broadest and most prominent public dialogues on climate change in the Arab region today.

Attached you will find the draft agenda and a brief synopsis of the 3-day event. The first day will be devoted to a High Level Expert Session during which Experts from a diverse set of Arab countries will present the results of major UNDP-RBAS conferences held this year on the three most pressing climate issues concerning stakeholders in the Arab countries, being:

•             Water Scarcity, Drought, Population Mobility and Socioeconomic Impacts   (building on UNDP-RBAS / Government of Syria conference in Damascus, 15 and 16 September)

•             Sea-Level Rise, Coastal Erosion, and Human Development    (building on UNDP-RBAS / National Water Research Council conference in Cairo, 20 and 21 September)

•             Sustainable Energy: Resources, Challenges and Opportunities     (building on UNDP-RBAS / Government of Bahrain conference in Manama, 6 and 7 October)

•             Climate Change Governance: The territorial approach   (building on UNDP’s programmes in this areas in partnership with the Government of Morocco)

These sessions will have the objective of presenting a scientific consensus on the nature of climate challenge in the region, while also laying out policy options to guide the formulation of the Arab Climate Resilience Initiative.

Day 2 (4 November) will feature the Ministerial Session, during which the Regional Vision for the Arab Climate Resilience Initiative will be presented to the open forum. The vision will then be discussed by Environment Ministers from a set of Arab countries as well as a High-Level Representative of the League of Arab States, main cooperation partners, and UNDP.

Day 3 (5 November) will build provide opportunities for networking and partnership and business development in a  Public-Private Knowledge Fair, bringing together public and private leaders in the area of climate change adaptation and mitigation, both from the region and around the world. The Knowledge Fair will be your opportunity to:

•             Showcase pioneering undertakings, know-how, best practices and solutions from/for the region

•             Demonstrate new technology, products and services Sustainable Energy: Resources, Challenges and Opportunities

•             Build opportunities for inter-region and inter-country collaboration

•             Meet and network with potential partners

The international community recognizes the importance of moving forward collaboratively in addressing climate change. And the Arab Ministerial Declaration on Climate Change highlights the resolve in the region to safeguard development and seize opportunities for low-carbon growth amid a changing natural and policy climate. The High-Level Climate Change Consultation, Public-Private Knowledge Fair, and Launch Event of the Arab Climate Resilience Initiative is inteneded to catalyze concrete steps toward these objectives on the basis of sustained high-level attention, top-notch technical knowledge, broad consultation and partnerships across a comprehensive range of policy areas. We hope that you will be able to join us in this process and look forward to receiving your nominations for participation from your organization.

Should you be interested to participate in the knowledge fair as an exhibitor please contact Alexandra Regner at

Contact information Alexandra Regner, UNDP / Susanne K. Siao, Partnerships and Resource Mobilisation Adviser, UNDP Regional Bureau for Arab States, 1 UN Plaza, DC1-2246, New York, NY10017 (email:
Phone: +1 212 906 5416 ; Fax: +1 212 906 5487
Event type Conference
File link n/a
File link copy ACRI_Morocco meeting synopsis-revised-final.pdf (PDF, 392 Kb)
Source UNDP
Geographical coverage Morocco,
Address Rabat
Organizer UNDP-RBAS Climate Resilience Initiative
Target audience Regional
Period [03/11/2010 - 05/11/2010]
Status Confirmed
Working language(s) ENGLISH