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Event 2nd General Assembly of the RISKBASE project: "Common System Understanding for Risk-Based Management of River Basins" in combination with the 2nd Thematic Workshop of the RISKBASE WP 1b: “Bridging Science, Water Management and Practical Experiences in European River Basins”

In RISKBASE, leading European scientists and representatives of major European stakeholder groups will review and synthesise the outcome of EC RTD Framework Pro-gramme projects, and other major initiatives, related to integrated risk assessment-based management of the water/sediment/soil system at the river-basin scale. The synthesis will lead to the development of integrated risk assessment-based management approaches enabling the prevention and/or reduction of the negative impacts caused by human activities on that system.

At present there is a fragmentation and a narrow view on the research that is going on at the various river basin case studies that are being carried out in the different ongoing EU funded projects. Since most of the partners involved in those projects are coming from research the links to river basin managers and other stakeholders are often weak. Sharing of the understanding of river basins between scientists and basin managers/stakeholders is the objective of the 2nd RISKBASE General Assembly and the integrated 2nd Thematic Workshop of WP1b (“River Basin Cases”).
This common understanding is seen by RISKBASE as the basis for risk-based management of river basins.


2nd Thematic Workshop of WP 1b: “Bridging Science, Water Management and Practical Experiences in European River Basins”: This 2nd Thematic Workshop of WP 1b organised by CSIC aims at linking the knowledge and experiences from scientists, river basin authorities and stakeholders. Different institutional settings as well as main environmental issues at stake will be presented through three parallel sessions focused on the following European regions: Southern (Llobregat/Ter), Central (Danube) and Northern (Dommel). A fourth parallel session will focus on the impact of biofuel production. This global approach will allow a common system understanding of river basins.


The scientific programme will comprise poster presentations on 15th / 16th May 2008. The abstracts should be submitted before 18th April 2008.


Registration form.

Contact information Katja Wendler: DECHEMA e. V., Forschungsförderung und Tagungen, Theodor-Heuss-Allee 25, 60486 Frankfurt am Main, Germany (email: ;
Phone: +49 69 7564-618 ; Fax: +49 69 7564-117
Event type Conference
File link[ACTION]=detail&_calendar[ID]=1461&pageId=3300
Source Riskbase - a EU-FP6 funded Coordination Action Project
Geographical coverage Hungary
Address VITUKI, Kvassay J. út 1. H - 1095 Budapest, Hungary
Organizer Riskbase project
Target audience Euro
Period [15/05/2008 - 17/05/2008]
Status Confirmed
Working language(s) ENGLISH