Euro-Mediterranean Information System on know-how in the Water sector
International portal


 The sponsors are:

  • The European Commission, EuropeAid Co-operation Office (Direction A, Europe, South Mediterranean, Middle and Near-East and Neighbouring Policy) & EC DG Environment.

  • France (Direction de l'Eau), Italy (Ministero dell'Ambiente) and Spain (Dirreción general des Agua). These three countries support the EMWIS Technical Unit through the Office International de l'Eau (OIEau), the Societa Gestione Impianti Idrici (SOGESID) and the Centro de Estudios y Experimentacion de Obras Publicas (CEDEX). The EMWIS Technical Unit is a European Economic Interest Group (EEIG), created in 1998, and composed of three members: OIEAU, SOGESID and CEDEX.

  • Based on a spirit of partnership, and functioning according to the principle of subsidiarity, each country finances the setting up and the operation of its National Focal Point.


5th Mediterranean Water Forum