Mediterranean Water Information Mechanism
Portal under development for the feasibility study

Folder Feasability study final report

PDF Feasibility study on the development of a regional water observation mechanism in the Mediterranean region Download (2 versions)
PDF Maroc-FR-200801.pdf Download Item only translated in French
PDF Cyprus: diagnostic study on the feasibility on the Development of a Regional Water Observation Mechanism in the Mediterranean Region, June 2007 Download
PDF France: Diagnostic study for the feasibility study on the development of a regional observation mechanism for water in the Mediterranean region Download
PDF Jordan: diagnostic study for the feasibility study on the development of a regional observation mechanism for water in the Mediterranean region Download
PDF Malta: diagnostic study on the feasibility of the development of a regional water observation mechanism in the Mediterranean region, April 2007 Download
PDF Spain: diagnostic study for the feasibility study on the development of a regional observation mechanism for water in the Mediterranean region Download
PDF Tunisia: diagnostic study for the feasibility study on the development of a regional observation mechanism for water in the Mediterranean region Download
PDF Regional/international level: Diagnostic study for the feasibility study on the development of a regional observation mechanism for water in the Mediterranean region Download
HTML Document Abstract conclusions of Euromed Water Directors conclusions - Bled Dec'07
PDF Summary note on the study results - December 2007 (English) Download
PDF Summary note on the study results - December 2007 (French) Download