Euro-Mediterranean Information System on know-how in the Water sector
International portal

HTML Document Agenda

Released 10/04/2006


4th Meeting of the Med Multi-Stakeholder Forum

Monday, 17 January 2005
09:00 - 13:00 am

Premises of the Greek Permanent Representation to the EU
35 square de Meeus, 7th floor
1000 Brussels
(Metro: Trone/Troon)



1. The EU Water Initiative: Brief overview and current stage
Presentation by: EU Commission

2. The Mediterranean Component of the EU Water Initiative: Brief overview on scope, organization, activities up to now, next steps
Presentation by: Greece, MED EUWI Lead Country

3. The Mediterranean Component of the EU Water Initiative: Work Programme 2005
Presentation by: MED EUWI Secretariat

4. Water Framework Directive / EU Water Initiative "Joint Process"
Presentation by: EU Commission

5. Organisational issues and modalities of the Mediterranean Component of the EU Water Initiative, mechanisms to enhance partners' interest and participation at the Mediterranean Component
Presentation by: Greece, MED EUWI Lead Country

6. Next steps for the Mediterranean Component of the EU Water Initiative

7. Next Meeting

8. Any Other Business