Euro-Mediterranean Information System on know-how in the Water sector
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HTML Document Agenda

Released 10/04/2006


EU Water Initiative
Mediterranean Component

Kick-Off Meeting
Monday, 17 February 2003

Rue de Geneve 1, Salle Blue
B-1140 Evere, Brussels

14:30 - 18:30



1. The EU Water Initiative (Brief overview)
Presentation by: EU Commission

2. The Mediterranean Component of the EU Water Initiative (Scope and basic elements, activities up to now, next steps)
Presentation by: Greece

3. Discussion:

- Objectives and Content of the Mediterranean Component

- Work Plan of the Preparatory Phase (up to July 2003) and follow up

- Mechanisms to enhance partners' interest and participation in the Mediterranean Component

4. Establishment of a Working Group for the development of the Mediterranean Component of the EU Water Initiative - Terms of Reference
Presentation by: Greece

5. Presentation of the Mediterranean Component in Kyoto
Presentation by: Greece

6. Next Meetings and related events

7. Any Other Business