Euro-Mediterranean Information System on know-how in the Water sector
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Folder 10th NFP Coordination Seminar, Firenze, 2010-12-02 - Italy

 The 10th meeting of EMWIS Coordination Committee took place in Florence (Italy) on 2 December 2010. The meeting was attended by 16 National Focal Points –NFP- (Algeria, Cyprus, Egypt, France, Jordan, Israel, Italy, Lebanon, Malta, Mauritania, Monaco, Morocco, Palestine, Spain, Tunisia and Turkey). This seminar was organized back to back to the 14th EMWIS Steering Committee meeting on 3rd December. The new NFP from Mauritania and Monaco were welcome for their first participation.

The seminar was briefly introduced by Algerian Presidency, represented in this meeting by Mr. Rabiaa BOUZEKARIA, and by the Cypriot Vice-Presidency, represented by Mr. Nicholas CHRISTOFIDIS. 

Folder presentations Item only translated in French
Folder Documents
Folder Practical information
PDF Agenda - Firenze, 02/12/2010 Download (2 versions)
PDF Conclusions of the 10th NFP Coordination Seminar Download (2 versions)
PDF EMWIS in the context of the Barcelona Process: Union for the Mediterranean (from Marseille 1996 to Florence 2010)/ Le SEMIDE dans le contexte du Processus de Barcelone: Union pour la Méditerranée (de Marseille 1996 à Florence 2010) Download
PDF Hotel reservation form Download
DOC Participants list Download
5th Mediterranean Water Forum



Assesseur au Tourisme de la Province de Florence et Prèsident du Convention Bureau: 
Monsieur Giacomo Billi 
Tel: 055-2761007          

President de la Province de Florence
Monsieur Andrea Barducci 
Tel: 055 -2760212

Direction générale des Biens Culturels et Artistiques 
Madame Monica Bietti

Posted by jauad at 16 Nov 2010 20:26:36