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Dear colleagues,

The UN Conference of the Parties - COP22 - on the Climate will be held,  from 7 to 18 November 2016 in Marrakech, Morocco.

As part of the Global Climate Action Agenda – GCAA (successor of the Lima-Paris Action Agenda – LPAA), the International Network of Basin Organizations (INBO) was designated by the two climate champions, the Environment Minister of the Kingdom of Morocco, Ms. Hakima El Haite, and the French Ambassador for the negotiations on climate change, Ms Laurence Tubiana, as facilitator of the official events dedicated to water and climate, in partnership with the WWC and the Moroccan Delegate Ministry in charge of water.

Two official events will be organized on 9 November in two segments: a "Water Showcase", in the morning, dedicated to promoting practical initiatives and a "Water Dialogue", in the afternoon, built as a high-level debate on major water and climate policy issues.

This day of 9 November will be an opportunity to present the actions carried out and the new commitments made by the three Alliances on Water and Climate established during the COP21:

  • The Alliance of the 357 signatories of the Paris Pact on water and adaptation to climate change in the basins of rivers, lakes and aquifers, facilitated by INBO in partnership with UNECE,
  • The Business Alliance for Water And Climate Change - BAFWAC, launched by the Carbon Disclosure Project - CDP, the CEO Water Mandate, the World Business Council for Sustainable Development and SUEZ, which has now 44 member organizations, including 30 leading companies,
  • The Alliance of Megacities for Water and Climate, facilitated by UNESCO, ICLEI, SIAAP and Arceau-IDF, gathering 16 Megacities for a total population of 300 million inhabitants.

In addition to these high level official events, the International Network of Basin Organizations (INBO) is organizing with its partners a series of other side events on the Paris Pact implementation, adaptation to climate change in the basins and, more broadly, innovative solutions to water and climate issues:

We would greatly appreciate your participation in these events and we thank you for your commitment to the COP22.

The action of all stakeholders involved in the basins (international organizations, donors, governments, basin organizations, local authorities, companies, research and training centres and the civil society) is indeed essential to strengthen the resilience of our societies to the risks generated by the effects of climate change on water resources.


For any information, please contact us:

The COP22 on INBO website

Follow us on Twitter  @INBO_IWRM [EN] 

Join us on Facebook  RIOB [FR] - INBO [EN]



URL RIOB: L’eau à la COP22 Conférence des parties à la convention-cadre des Nations-Unies sur les changements climatiques
5th Mediterranean Water Forum