Euro-Mediterranean Information System on know-how in the Water sector
International portal

HTML Document Content management exercises

Released 12/09/2006

Folder-level management

  • log in as Manager
  • choose a folder in the website
  • submit a few content items
  • play with the WYSIWYG editor
  • enter one of them and edit the content, after which translate in another language
  • start a new version of a document, edit it, save the changes and see how the page looks like in another browser where you are not logged in; commit the changes and see the difference for the end users
  • open another browser, log in as Contributor and submit an item
  • now log in as Manager and approve it
  • in a folder, select a few items, copy or cut them and paste them in another folder
  • comment on content

Portal-level management

  • go to the administration area and view the centralised basket of approvals and version control
  • change the main sections

Advanced management

  • enter the Zope Management Interface and inspect the Control Panel
  • enter a Naaya folder and examine the tabs
  • observe the differences on the properties editing
  • introduce the dynamic properties