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Document Environmental statistics in the Mediterranean countries - Compendium 2005

The MEDSTAT-Environment project II (MED-Env II), implemented between 2003 and 2006 under the regional MEDA statistics cooperation programme (MEDSTAT), has presented the publication “Environmental statistics in the Mediterranean countries - Compendium 2005” during its final forum, held in Amman, Jordan, on the 13th and 14th June 2006.

The publication is the second environmental statistics compendium produced by UNEP/MAP Blue Plan, the implementing agency for the MEDSTAT-Environment project (MED-Env), in collaboration with the EC EuropeAid Cooperation Office and Eurostat. It has been compiled on the basis of data coming from the national statistics offices (NSOs) of twelve Mediterranean countries (Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, Jordan, Israel, the Palestinian Authority, Lebanon, Syria Cyprus, Malta and Turkey).

The work carried out during the three years of the second phase of the MEDSTAT Environment project aimed at reinforcing and consolidating the institutional capacities of Mediterranean countries to produce national statistics that are recent, relevant, reliable and comparable from one country to the next because they have been harmonised according to international and European standards, while conserving the essential local specificities. In the first phase the project concentrated on the topics of water, waste and land use, while this second phase concentrated its activities on air pollutant emissions, biodiversity and the calculation of environmental indicators for sustainable development.

Creator Jauad El Kharraz (email:
Publisher Eurostat
Type of document Report
Rights Public
File link .. /semide/PDF/MEDSTAT2005_EN
Source of information Eurostat
Keyword(s) statistics
Geographical coverage Euro mediterranean