Water-Related Violence in the Near East
World Water Day will be celebrated on 22 March 2008, as it has been in all
of the previous 16 years. By highlighting the importance of this resource,
the United Nations reminds us how essential water is to human life and how
inequitably it is distributed over our planet, occasioning ever more
conflicts or rivalries between countries or between variably endowed
populations within a single country.
Pierre Blanc offers a survey here of what he terms "water-related violence"
- indicating, not the imminent threat of "water wars", but a form of the
violation of elementary human needs - in the Near East region. He first puts
Lebanon under the spotlight, that country being a typical case of a state
languishing under water domination, since a large proportion of its water
resources have for many years been blocked by Israel, while supply, in the
north, is dependent on the goodwill of Syria. He then covers the water
violence specific to Egypt (the Nile Basin, in particular), recalling the
"water riots" of Summer 2007, which pointed up the poor national management
of water resources and purification. Lastly, after focussing on the city of
Damascus and the differential treatment of cities and periphery (rich and
poor), Pierre Blanc concludes that, at both national and international
levels, the strongest (or richest) prevail in achieving access to water, and
that this trend might, unfortunately, be with us for many years to come.
Creator | Pierre BLANC, Futuribles n° 339 - mars 2008, pp. 5-18 (email: forum@futuribles.com) |
Publisher | © futuribles Sarl 2008 |
Type of document | Proceedings |
Rights | Public |
File link |
http://www.futuribles-revue.com/articles/futur/pdf/2008/03/futur_2008_339_5.pdf |
Source of information | Futuribles No. 339 (mars 2008): Les violences hydrauliques |
Geographical coverage | Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Jordan, Israel |