Risk assessment of Cryptosporidium in drinking water
As a waterborne pathogen of significant concern, Cryptosporidium is considered a key reference pathogen in the Guidelines for drinking-water quality (GDWQ). This text complements and supports the GDWQ by providing further data on Cryptosporidium in order to assist country authorities in setting health-based targets and water suppliers in determining required performance of water treatment processes as part of a system-specific Water Safety Plan. For example, where data is scarce, default source water concentrations and default log-credits for control processes have been deduced.
Creator | n/a |
Type of document | Report |
File link | n/a |
File link local | WHO_HSE_WSH_09.04_eng.pdf (PDF, 1462 Kb) |
Source of information | WHO |
Keyword(s) | water contamination |
Subject(s) | WATER QUALITY |
Geographical coverage | international |
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