Euro-Mediterranean Information System on know-how in the Water sector
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See also UNESCO Documents and Publications.

PDF Feasibility study on the development of a regional water observation mechanism in the Mediterranean region Download (2 versions)
Document Priority issues in the Mediterranean environment
Document Environmental statistics in the Mediterranean countries - Compendium 2005
Document The United Nation Report on progress towards the MDGs
Document Exemple of flood prevention in semi arid regions
Document Final Minutes: Water Accounting for Integrated Water Resource Management
Document A Sustainable Future for the Mediterranean - The Blue Plan's Environment and Development Outlook: Executive Summary
Document Facing water stress and shortage in the Mediterranean
Document sdc539464 Item only translated in French
Document sdc962425 Item only translated in French
Document sdc471171 Item only translated in French
Document sdc333264 Item only translated in French
Document sdc279188 Item only translated in French
Document sdc185301 Item only translated in French
Document sdc564884 Item only translated in French
Document sdc256408 Item only translated in French
Document sdc435681 Item only translated in French
Document sdc616790 Item only translated in French
Document sdc732508 Item only translated in French
Document sdc409186 Item only translated in French
Document sdc871293 Item only translated in French
Document sdc384745 Item only translated in French
Document sdc006001 Item only translated in French
Document sdc409286 Item only translated in French
Document sdc244809 Item only translated in French
Document sdc368612 Item only translated in French
Document sdc428834 Item only translated in French
Document gestion-et-hydrodiplomatie-de-leau-au Item only translated in French
Document rapport-final-recommandations-de-la-conference Item only translated in French
Document les-services-collectifs-deau-et-dassainissement Item only translated in French
Document rapport-sur-les-activites-economiques-dans-le Item only translated in French
Document henri-smets-de-leau-potable-un-prix-abordable-la Item only translated in French
Document organisation-de-la-gestion-de-leau-en-france Item only translated in French
Document atlas-du-liban Item only translated in French
Document nereides-presente-un-nouveau-detecteur Item only translated in French
Document trouver-des-approches-pratiques-de-la-gestion Item only translated in French
Document eau-assainissement-des-villes-et-pays-riverais-de Item only translated in French
Document pour-une-gestion-integree-des-ressources-en-eau Item only translated in French
Document developpement-des-ressources-en-eau-au-maroc Item only translated in French
Document leau-au-maroc Item only translated in French
Document lfsl-lrb-tjrb-lmy-fy-trshyd-stkhdm-lmwrd-lmy-y Item only translated in Arabic
Document gestion-des-ressources-en-eau-souterraines-comme-biens-communs Item only translated in French
Document plan-d-action-national-sur-les-modes-de-production-et-de-consommation-durables Item only translated in French
Document l-eau-dans-les-pays-en-developpement Item only translated in French
PDF mieux-prevenir-les-inondations-de-la-seine-en-ile-de-france Download Item only translated in French
URL Search UN-Water Summary Progress Update 2021: SDG 6 — water and sanitation for all
Document Water Scarcity in the Arab Region-Major Problems and Attempts to alleviate their Impacts
Document 2008 Report of the Arab Forum for Environment and Development: "Arab environment: future challenges"
Document 2012 Africa Status Report on IWRM
Document 2nd UN World Water Development Report 'Water, a shared responsibility': Chapter 13: Enhancing Knowledge and Capacity
Document A Guide to Good Water Management
Document A Sustainable Future for the Mediterranean: the Blue Plan’s Environment and Development Outlook
Document Abstract Volume of the World Water Week in Stockholm, September 5–11, 2010: "Responding to Global Changes: The Water Quality Challenge – Prevention, Wise Use and Abatement
Document Actions taken in organizing the activities of the International Decade for Action, “Water for Life”, 2005-2015
Document An Indicator-based Analysis of the River Basin Districts established under the EU Water Framework Directive
Document An analytical framework for assessment of institutional capacity for water sector management
Document Assessment Indicators for Water Users’ Associations in Egypt
Document Book: GLOBAL CHANGE: Enough Water for all?
Document Building Partnerships (BPD) for Development in Water and Sanitation Announces A New Publication
Document CEH Science Review 2005-2006
Document Charting Our Water Future: Economic frameworks to inform decision-making
Document Climate Change Adaptation Strategy and Programme of Action for the Palestinian Authority
URL Climate Change: The rapidly increasing challenge for the Mediterranean. Issue No 78
Document Climatic hazards, land use change and their impact on water resources in arid and semi-arid Morocco: The case of the East and South-East
Document Creating incentives for more effective wastewater reuse in the middle east and north africa
Document Des innovations institutionnelles pour diminuer l’utilisation de pesticides en bananeraie et protéger la ressource en eau
Document Development and application of the modelling system J2000-S for the EU-water framework directive
Document Dictionary and Introduction to Global Environmental Governance
Document Driving forces of land use change in Syria 2001
Document ESCWA Water Development Report 2: State of Water Resources in the ESCWA Region
Document EU Natural Hazard Research in FP6 and Outlook for FP7
Document Earth observation of water cycle and applications in drought monitoring and prediction
Document Economic Instruments and Water Policies in Central and Eastern Europe: Issues and Options
Document Effects of rangeland changes on water balances and water quality in Morocco: A Rif moutains case study
Document Environment and Security Risks in the Southern Mediterranean Region
Document Ethical Issues of water management
Document Final Report of the First Annual West Asia-North Africa (WANA) Forum, 19-20 April 2009, Amman (Jordan)
Document Final declaration of the Euromed Summit of Economic & Social Councils and similar institutions, Rome 10-12 November 2010
PDF Financing Climate Change Adaptation in Transboundary Basins- World banlk Download
Document GMES -“Establish by 2008 an EU capacity for global monitoring of Environment and Security”
Document GWP/INBO handbook on IWRM in basins
Document Gender, Water and Sanitation: A Policy Brief
Document Groundwater resources sustainability indicators
Document Guidance document 1: Economics and the environment - The implementation challenge of the Water Framework Directive
PDF Handbook on the safe use of wastewater in urban and peri-urban horticulture Download
Document Houdret, Annabelle: INEF Policy Brief 3. Scarce Water, Plenty of Conflicts? Local Water Conflicts and the Role of Development Cooperation
Document Human Development Report 2006 “Beyond Scarcity: Power, poverty and the global water crisis”
Document Hydrology and Water Resources of Africa
Document ICID (2005) Water Policy Issues of Egypt, Country Policy Support Programme (CPSP) Report No. 7.
Document IGRA. A tool for applying the benchmarking initiative to irrigated areas
Document Incentive Systems for Wastewater Treatment and Reuse in Irrigated Agriculture in the MENA Region: Evidence from Jordan and Tunisia
Document Information Sheet on Assessment of the Recovery of Costs for Water Services for the 2004 River Basin Characterisation Report (Art 9)
Document Institutional framework and decisionmaking practices for water management in Egypt: Towards the development of a strategy for water pollution prevention and control in the Bahr Basandeila region
Document Integrated water resource management plan guidelines for local authorities
Document International Waters Strategy
Document Inventory of Shared water resources in Western Asia
Document Irrigation Efficiency and the Nile Delta Water Balance
Document Irrigation management transfer: Worldwide efforts and results
Document Key Messages on Water and Climate for the 15th Conference of Parties (COP-15) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
Document Local government perspective on adapting water management to climate change
Document Making the Most of Scarcity: Accountability for Better Water Management in the Middle East and North Africa
URL Maritime Clusters in the Mediterranean Region
Document Methodology to assess the hydrological impact of weed control practices with a view to management of Mediterranean winegrowing catchments
Document Nature for Water Nature for Life
URL New UN Report on Disability and Sustainable Development Goals
Document New Water Europe Publication Launched: Atlas of European Water Oriented Living Labs
Document New report: Land accounts for Europe 1990-2000
Document Non-renewable groundwater resources: A guidebook on socially-sustainable management for water-policy makers
Document Operation & Maintenance Guide for Water Supply System, in Arabic Language
Document Paul Simon Water for the Poor Act Congressional Report June 2008
Document Pay – Establishing Payments for Watershed Services
URL Plan Bleu 2007-2009 report of activities
Document Planning and Managing Water Resources at the River-Basin Level: Emergence and Evolution of a Concept
Document Pour une sécurité et une souveraineté alimentaires durables et partagées
Document Preliminary Data Compilation for the Nile Basin Decision Support System: Inception Report
Document Priority issues in the Mediterranean environment (EEA report No 4/2006)
Document Proceedings of the "International Conference on the Environmental Problems of the Mediterranean Region" - 12-15 April, 2002, Near East University, Nicosia, TRNC
Document Proceedings of the 2nd WEKNOW Conference held in Bratislava (Slovak Republic) in 13-15 June 2005
Document Progress on Water Accounts in ESCWA Countries
Document Project Report: Resettlement from flood-prone areas
Document Protecting Groundwater for Health
Document Public water supply and sanitation utilities in France - The french experience
Document Publication: Climate change and water adaptation issues
Document Recharge Systems for Protecting and enhancing Groundwater Resources
Document Reconciling resource uses in transboundary basins: assessment of the water-food-energy-ecosystems nexus in the Sava River Basin
Document Renovation of Qanats in Syria
Document Report of the Ad Hoc Project Facilitation Mechanism (1 July 2009, Geneva)
Document Report of the Global Major Groups and Stakeholders Forum on the work of its eleventh session
Document Report of the Working Group on Water and Health on their second meeting ( 2-3 July 2009, Geneva).
Document Report on social issues in water management in the Mediterranean Countries
Document Risk assessment of Cryptosporidium in drinking water
Document Running Dry: the humanitarian impact of the global water crisis
URL School of Oriental & African Studies, University of London (Water documents)
Document State of Environment in the Arab Region: A progress Report
Document Strategies for integrated water and energy resources management to address climate change
Document Study on Indicators for Monitoring Transnational and Interregional Cooperation Programmes
Document Syria - irrigation sector report (World Bank 2001)
Document Syria Country Report
Document Template for assessing the governance of public water supply and sanitation service providers
Document The "Monitoring Report 2005" - EC DG Research
Document The African Water Development Report, 2006 Released
Document The Culture of Water: Final Report of the First Stage 2003-2007
Document The Data Report 2007: Keep the G8 Promise to Africa (Water & Sanitation, page 84-89)
Document The Economics of Water and Agriculture: Water quantity and quality issues in Mediterranean Agriculture
Document The Environment Outlook for the Arab Region
Document The European Water Framework Directive and sustainable water management
PDF The Mediterranean region will undergo a fresh water crisis Download (2 versions)
Document The North-Western Sahara Aquifer System: Concerted management of a transboundary water basin
Document The RICAMARE Workshop on land use changes & cover and water resources in the Mediterranean region: Presentation and conclusions
Document The Right to Water in National Legislations
Document The Rise and Fall of the Ebro Water Transfer
Document The United Nations: World Water Development Report
Document The Water Security Nexus - Challenges and Opportunities for Development Cooperation
Document The advocacy sourcebook
PDF The challenges of climate change in the Mediterranean (2018) Download
URL The linkages between migration, agriculture, food security and rural developmen
Document The “Red-Dead” Canal: Israeli-Arab Efforts to Restore the Dead Sea
Document UK Water Footprint: The impact of the UK’s food and fibre consumption on global water resources, Volume one
Document UNEP updates water policy and strategy 2007-2012
Document Virtual water: which perspective for the Mediterranean water management and distribution?
Document WSP Annual report 2005: Improving Lives Through Better Water and Sanitation Services
Document Water & Energy Nexus Full Pre-Feasibility Study
Document Water & Wastewater International Digital Issue: October/November 2006, Vol. 21 Issue 5
Document Water Demand Management in Jordan
Document Water Law Reforms - Analysis of Recent Developments
Document Water Market Middle East 2010
Document Water Policy Issues of Egypt
Document Water Quality Trading Systems: An Integrated Economic Analysis of Theoretical and Practical Approaches
Document Water Resource Economics And Policy : An introduction
Document Water Resources Systems Planning and Management - an introduction to methods, models and applications
Document Water Resources and Hydrometeorology of the Arab Region
Document Water Resources in Jordan: Evolving Policies for Development, the Environment, And Conflict Resolution
PDF Water and Sanitation for All in Tunisia : A Realistic Objective Download
Document Water and climate change : understanding the risks and making climate-smart investment decisions
Document Water for Life: Jordan's Water Strategy - 2008-2022
Document Water for life – LIFE for water (March 2010 - 66 pages)
Document Water in a Changing World: United Nations World Water Development Report 3
Document Water policy reforms: pricing water, cost recovery, water demand and impact on agriculture: Lessons from the Mediterranean experience.
Document Water pricing for agriculture between cost recovery and water conservation : Where do we stand in France ?
Document Water reuse in Europe
Document Water sciences, Engineering and Technology Resources
Document Water sector strategy of the German Cooperation
Document Water, migration and how they are interlinked
Document Water-Related Violence in the Near East
Document Water: Quality of Quantity?
Document Watershed Management: Water Resources for the Future: "CHAPTER 6: Mediterranean watershed management: Overcoming water crisis in the Mediterranean"
Document World Bank Launches Rural Water Supply, Sanitation and Budget Support Guidelines for Task Teams
Document World Water Forum European report on water
Document Your Guide to Climate Change Adaptation: Reporting from a Climate Proof Seminar
Document الصراع على المياه في الشرق الأوسط
HTML Document حصاد الويب حول أزمة المياه
HTML Document دور المياه في نشوء الحضارات
Document sdc941157 Item only translated in Arabic
5th Mediterranean Water Forum