does not yet have an EMWIS website, but it has a NFP, the Minsitry of Irrigation.
Area (100 sq km): 184
Population (mill): 17
GDP ($ bill): 21
Water per cap: 2,632m3
Water withdrawal:
total 26.8%
agriculture 90%
Access to
Fresh water 80%
Sanitation 90%
Syria Drought Response Plan, June 2009 (UN)
EU Neighbourhood Policy: Country
report and National Indicative Programme 2007-2010
The Utilization of Water Resources for Agriculture in Syria: Analysis of
Current Situation and Future Challenges
Syrian Arab
Republic: The Five Year Plan 2006-2010:
Chapter15- Drinking water and sanitation.
The water sector in the Syrian Arab Republic ; Ms Intisar Mardini, Ministry of Housing and Utilities
Syrian National Strategy Report for Sustainable Development For the 2002
World Summit on Sustainable Development Johannesburg, South
Syria - irrigation sector report (World Bank 2001).
- Syrian families rely on polluted water as cholera cases surge
- Syria has a water crisis. And it’s not going away
- Syria: €10 million to help vulnerable people in Syria affected by the drought
- Water crisis and drought threaten more than 12 million in Syria and Iraq
- Syria signs Paris climate agreement and leaves US isolated
- liban-syrie-mission-collective-eau-assainissement-11-15-avril-2011
- LDA Conference
- Regional Workshop on the launch of an Arab Water Data Bank for shared waters
- Productive and Sustainable Use of Saline Waters and Salt-affected Soils in Agriculture
- Regional Conference: Applying WEAP as a Decision Support System for IWRM